Monday, January 30, 2012

FREE Sominex and Phazyme Money Maker at Publix

The last couple weeks at Publix shoppers were scrambling to find the Ex-Lax and vitamin deals they had going on. Now starting with the new Green Advantage flyer, the best deals is the Sominex and Phazyme promotion.

I didn't even know what Sominex and Phazyme was, nor did I need it. But for every 2 Sominex that you bought with the corresponding coupons, you got them for free plus made $2.62 in overage.

Sominex 16 tablet $3.19 each, get 2 = $6.38
- $5 off 2 Sominex Publix Green Advantage flyer coupon
- $2 off 1 Sominex printable coupon found HERE (print 2 of these). Click on the Savings tab and you must sign up to print the coupons.
= Free plus $2.62 overage

Phazyme $3.49 each, get 2 = $6.98
-$5 off 2 Phazyme Publix Green Advantage flyer coupon
-$2 off 1 Phazyme printable coupon found HERE (print 2 of these). Its the same website as the Sominex coupon, so you must sign up.

This is the new Green Advantage Flyer. You can grab as many as you like. From my understanding you can only use 6 Publix coupons per transaction. Deals end February 17th 2012.

Unfortunately for me I could not find any Phazyme in stock...but I will keep checking. I applied my overage to buy some chicken.

If you don't use these products donate them.

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